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Lipofilling Or Lipostructure Of The Face

Lipofilling or lipostructure of the faceconsists of injecting the patient's own fat into his face to restore volume, but also to reduce wrinkles and rejuvenate the appearance of the skin.


This technique gives very natural and long-lasting results and leaves no scars. Technically, the intervention begins with the removal of a small quantity of fat from the patient's body, fat which will then be prepared, purified and then re-injected into the face.

Many directions

This intervention can be performed both in a young patient who has a lack of volume such as dark circles for example, and in someone older in order to naturally improve their skin quality.

Indeed a lipofilling can be indicated for:
– reduce bitterness wrinkles and nano-genial furrows
– fill in dark circles
– fill the temples
– reshape the cheekbones
– improve the quality of the skin by giving it a plumper, very rejuvenating appearance without changing the shape of the face.


The lipostructure is performed in the operating room under local anesthesia or light sedation for more comfort and lasts between 45min and 2h depending on the importance of the intervention. It allows you to return home the same day.

Sometimes significant swelling and bruising are visible for 10 to 15 days. Part of the volume of the injected fat will be reabsorbed, essentially during the 1st month after the operation. The result obtained 3 months after the operation will be stable over time, subject to large variations in the patient's weight.

Facial lipofilling can of course be combined with blepharoplasty, an upper lip lift or a cervico-facial lift.

Rate :

  • From 3900€

In summary :

  • Outpatient procedure, local anesthesia or light sedation

  • Convalescenceone week, depending on the activity; 4 weeks without much effort

  • Controlat 8 days, then remotely

  • Don't letno scars

  • Intervention that can easily be associated with alipofilling, Aeyebrow liftor face according to your needs

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